Dear Federal Prosecutors:
I read more and more about the possibility of a federal government shutdown and all that would mean to the people, whether the people like to acknowledge it or not. I also read about our large federal budget deficit, the looming necessity to increase the federal debt ceiling, and, perhaps worst of all, the possibility that some Republicans will decide to oppose raising that ceiling, never-mind the catastrophe that would cause.
And in the midst of all this I also read that you, federal prosecutors, are looking to retry now-former New York State Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno. You have convicted him once on some charges, but lost other charges to an acquittal. His convictions were in effect overturned by the United States Supreme Court's understandable concerns about the law he was convicted under.
The federal government's damaged finances may appear unrelated to the ongoing efforts to put Joe Bruno in jail. But consider this undeniable fact: Prosecutions cost money. And for now we're only talking about the costs to the government and thus, indirectly, to the taxpayers. We are leaving aside the costs to middle class people who will be dragged into court, again, to testify.
Focusing only on the government's costs, as a taxpayer in the United States, I plead with you: Leave Joe Bruno alone. It's just not worth the money anymore.
I do not make this plea because I like Bruno, or because I consider the efforts you made against Bruno to have been entirely wasted.
While I began looking at this matter as a Bruno supporter, that eroded. Thanks in part to your efforts, to your previous semi-successful prosecution, I was able to see that Bruno surely was corrupt in some sense, despite my early support of him. You were clearly not prosecuting Joe Bruno for being Joe Bruno, as Roger Stone had suggested and as I'd initially feared. Even if Bruno's corruption didn't quite cross the line into illegality, he came close enough for me. Your prosecution thus highlighted Bruno's corruption and the way in which State law is lax enough that Bruno probably managed to not break any State laws while he was being corrupt. In other words, a federal prosecution highlighted the need for a better, more reasonable State law. While this isn't the primary purpose of a federal prosecution, at least I hope it is not, it is a valuable purpose, and I honor it.
By mostly failing, your previous prosecution also unintentionally highlighted that it was indeed possible to be a business consultant and a State Legislator at the same time. Bruno was, generally speaking, acquitted on charges related to consulting work he'd done that was in fact legitimate consulting work or at least appeared to be so. Where his problem came was treading in the gray area between legitimate consulting and influence peddling. A consultant-legislator who actually has consulted would appear to not be in much danger.
At least after Bruno was mostly acquitted, anyway.
Your prosecution, however, has already served the only good purposes it can. Please leave Bruno alone now. It is simply not worth your time and taxpayer money, my money, to keep going after him. Not in the age of a huge federal budget deficit, a looming government shutdown, and worst of all the distant but real possibility that some of Joe Bruno's fellow Republicans may decide to make the most irresponsible possible decision and block the increase of the debt ceiling. Joe Bruno hasn't been in power for years. He will never be in power again. It is just a waste of taxpayer money, a commodity in ever-shorter supply, to keep going after him.
It's time to let go. Spend my money going after other crimes. Make sure you convict Senator Carl Kruger. Go after lawyer-legislators, like John Sampson and Sheldon Silver, whose legal work may not be any more real than you accused Bruno's consulting work of being. Use the precious, dwindling resources the people give to you to investigate people currently in power. Not to keep up after people you've already gone after oncem haven't been in power for years, and likely won't ever be in power again..
There is simply no longer any money to spare for fishing expeditions, or for vendettas. And, honestly, a vendetta is what this is starting to look like.
Please stop and let it go. There just isn't any money for this anymore.
The Albany Exile
(a taxpayer)
Friday, April 8, 2011
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